30 November 2008

HB shoes

Can someone PLEASE tell me, did these get released already and I'm just slow and didn't see them in Starplaza? Or are they just hiding from everybody? ;) Because I've only just come across them!


EDIT: My bad, I found them under the 'search' method, and they came up there before they came under 'new' items. They have now surfaced:

Don't really think much of any of them to be honest!


Just quick...

I just got asked in my guestbook where I got these free from:

So I thought, even though everybody probably knows already, I'd tell you how to get them.

Go to the Starplaza and buy them for 3 Stardollars, then when you return to your suite the three Stardollars will be reimbursed to your account, just like that!



I just left the Starplaza after buying a few last sale items before it ends tonight, I open those awful white shutters to my closest (they usually take a good couple of minutes to open) and they open straight away to reveal this:



I sincerely hope this is just a glitch and they all come back, seriously. Ahhhhhhhh!!


New craze?

Everywhere I look I'm seeing posts on this black Hot Buys bow. But people aren't using it as a bow...they're using it as their bangs! Genius idea, but I don't think it would suit my doll, plus, I've been using mine as a collar bow with the Hot Buys broach for a few weeks now. (Which I thought it was always how it was intended to be used!)

Not 100% sure who first thought of this idea, (different people saying different things) but everybody's catching on quick! If I find out I'll edit this post, I'll post some pictures of people rocking this craze when I get the time!

What do you think of it all?


Can you notice what's missing?

(No, it's not my face that's gone ;))

I've seen this happen once before, but it came back after a while. Do you think Stardoll are removing them permanently? Or just upgrading?


Minishop items

Three new items in the Stardoll Minshop. All in the "Glamour" Category.

Rather out of place if you ask me.


The Secret of Moonacre strikes again

First Stardoll gives us an old book as a gift in our suite which takes us to "Moonacre" (Maybe?)

Then the house gives us gifts. I heard the first one was a pearl necklace? Then the black dog, now...a cake stand the size of my medoll? What the hell?

I hear the move is completely different from the book. I personally have no idea as I've never read it, but still, very strange.

What do you all think girls?

Money savers!

If you are still drooling at the mouth at the recently released "Philosophy Di Alberta Ferretti" but are cursing at how much it costs, look no further! Here I am going to show you how you can steel the look of the top end designer clothes for just a snip of the price!

Here we have:
-"Sequin Silk Tulle Dress" 28 s/d
-"Charcoal Pinstripe Tights" 6 s/d
-"Satin Lace-Up Stiletto Boots" 12 s/d
Total: 46 Stardollars

Here we have:
-Fallen Angel "Inspired by Balmain" Dress - 8 s/d
-Tingeling "Balloon Tube Dress" 7 s/d
-Decades "Leather Belt" 3 s/d (Optional)
-Voile "Pantyhose" 2 s/d
-Rio "Lace-Up Boots" 4 s/d
Total: 24 Stardollars

That's very nearly HALF of what the Philosophy outfit costs! Plus you get five items of clothing that you can mix with other items, where as you pay a hell of a lot for for only three from Philosophy!

I would also like to point out you could use StarDesign to create your own version of the pinstripe tights for only 4 Stardollars!

What outfit would you like to see next?

Tomorrow it begins.

The Stardoll advent calender starts tomorrow, if you were lucky enough you got to see the upcoming "surprises" in the Starplaza via another glitch. I will be bringing you every item as they are revealed. (I've done my research, I know all about each one!)

I won't bother posting photos of it all right now, because it's old news and everybody has pictures on their blogs of what was there! But just know there is lots of Marc Jacobs, Mui Mui, and some very colourful Victoria's Secret wings!


29 November 2008

Coincidence or not?

Lately, I've found the Starplaza being filled with clothes that I don't particularly find nice, or interesting. Yeah there's those new brands that everybody freaks out about, but apart from that, they just keep re-releasing OLD clothes that were there before Stardoll got the huge refurbishment to how it looks now.

But the thing but bugs me, how they are ripping off older items that are unavailable or making one item readily available through different brands, just different fabrics. For example:

Personally, I think the difference is uncanny. But what do you think? Should Stardoll duplicate older items to look like new ones? Or do you like the idea of being able to purchase clothes that look like the dis-continued, more sort after collectible ones? Let me hear your thoughts!


(Images taken from Starplaza and my own closet! If I ever use your medoll, or an item of clothing from your suite, you will be credited.)

28 November 2008

Who's your style icon?

Are any of these lovely lasses your inspiration behind the way you dress? Or is there another person that inspires you?

Tyra Banks and Beyonce Knowles are known for having a love of glam and glitz. Can these gorgeous divas ever get it wrong?

Perhaps the sassy, edgy London look of Agyness Deyn and Kate Moss take your fancy, quirky and a little punk/Rock n Roll.

The Fashion forward Victoria Beckham? More of a trend setter than a follower.

Or, maybe you’d rather to throw on some comfy clothes like Miss. Hayley Williams, and dress up when appropriate? (This girl does scrub up well.)

Blonde (or black!) locks, cat eyes and red lips can only mean one thing; Pin-Up. Classic, sassy and defiantly 100% feminine! Christina Aguilera made this her signature look circa 2006/2007.

Or maybe you prefer fashion throwbacks, such as Twiggy, Audrey Hepburn and Miss. Coco herself? Classy, sophisticated and very much timeless. (Vintage, Vintage, Vintage!)

There's plenty of other people out there that I could have listed, but that would have gone on forever.

Leave your answers under a comment and tell me what you think!

Au revoir girls

ANOTHER Stardoll blogger? Because we need one of them.

First of let me start by saying I am not new to the world of blogging, or Stardoll. My first medoll was created in July 2006! This page will basically filled with the updates of Stardoll as they happen, whether the news be big or small, it will be posted. There may also be the odd post that isn't completely Stardoll related that I throw into the mix, but it will be relevant in some way or another.

Posts start regularly on December 1st. Say what you like in comments.

That is all I have to say for now. And just to say, I won't be placing a link to my doll on here, so unless you know me, you won't know who I am.

Laters dolls