28 November 2008

Who's your style icon?

Are any of these lovely lasses your inspiration behind the way you dress? Or is there another person that inspires you?

Tyra Banks and Beyonce Knowles are known for having a love of glam and glitz. Can these gorgeous divas ever get it wrong?

Perhaps the sassy, edgy London look of Agyness Deyn and Kate Moss take your fancy, quirky and a little punk/Rock n Roll.

The Fashion forward Victoria Beckham? More of a trend setter than a follower.

Or, maybe you’d rather to throw on some comfy clothes like Miss. Hayley Williams, and dress up when appropriate? (This girl does scrub up well.)

Blonde (or black!) locks, cat eyes and red lips can only mean one thing; Pin-Up. Classic, sassy and defiantly 100% feminine! Christina Aguilera made this her signature look circa 2006/2007.

Or maybe you prefer fashion throwbacks, such as Twiggy, Audrey Hepburn and Miss. Coco herself? Classy, sophisticated and very much timeless. (Vintage, Vintage, Vintage!)

There's plenty of other people out there that I could have listed, but that would have gone on forever.

Leave your answers under a comment and tell me what you think!

Au revoir girls

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i luv da olsen twins!!!!!!!!!