9 December 2008


Stardoll have pissed me off to the max. I got an e-mail on December 1st saying how I needed to change my username, it 'offended other members' (amongst other things). I e-mailed them back about it and all i got was "The moderators have their reasons for this". Whatever the hell that means. Anyway, long story short. They gave me ONE WEEK to change my name etc, AND I complied. I changed my name with the link they gave me BEFORE my time was up.

Yesterday I went to log on, my account is 'terminated'. Apparently I 'violated the terms of use' according to an e-mail I received. I've contacted them several times via my other account but still no response. I know it takes a day or two for a reply, but I'm eager to find out what I've done wrong this time. Ridiculous.

I'm so annoyed! arghhhhhhhhhhh

So no more updates till Stardoll Staff figure their shit out and get back to me. I sincerely hope they give me my account back, HOW IT WAS. Because I'm going to be really GUTTED if I loose all my stuff. blah :(


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